A new, shared approach to Tasmania’s mental health plan
Posted on December 10, 2020
Key players in Tasmania’s health system have come together to evolve and strengthen the state’s mental health plan, taking stock of key achievements and highlighting new areas of focus for the years ahead.
Rethink 2020 is a collaboration between Primary Health Tasmania, the Tasmanian Department of Health, and the Tasmanian Health Service, and represents a shared approach to mental health service planning and delivery in Tasmania.
It comes five years after the Tasmanian Government published its plan to improve mental health outcomes for all Tasmanians: Rethink Mental Health Better Mental Health and Wellbeing – A Long-Term Plan for Mental Health in Tasmania 2015-25.
Rethink 2020 takes stock of key milestones achieved so far – such as progress towards mental health integration hubs, improved youth mental health support in the north west, and the launch of a mental health
peer workforce strategy – while also elevating new areas of focus as key mental health priorities for the state.