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Tasmania pilots HealthLink SmartForms integration

Posted on May 29, 2024

Primary Health Tasmania is rolling out a new integration of HealthLink’s SmartForms technology for electronic referrals with Telstra Health’s Communicare solution for Aboriginal healthcare services in the state.

Tasmania has been implementing the solution as part of its statewide eReferral system, which is being used by all four public hospitals as well as GPs, private medical specialists and allied health professionals.

Primary Health Tasmania spokesperson Russell Newell said the new integration with Communicare aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the patient journey, particularly for patients at high risk of poor health outcomes while improving care coordination among a patient’s care team.

“Use of HealthLink SmartForms in Tasmania has resulted in time savings to clinicians and healthcare staff and eliminated the need to rely on patients to carry medical documents with them,” he said.

The pilot began in March 2024 at a handful of sites in Tasmania, including Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and Aboriginal medical services.

Read our full media release, including additional quotes from Russell Newell and Telstra Health’s head of primary and community care, Natira Drayton.