Scholarship opportunity for GPs: Persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis eLearning course
Posted on February 12, 2025
Primary Health Tasmania is offering a second round of educational scholarships for GPs to complete the Vagenius eLearning course on the treatment and management of persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis.
We are inviting applications for the 60 scholarships available for GPs working in Tasmania with an interest in persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis. Applications close on Wednesday 30 April.
This is an opportunity to access a self-paced, clinically led, online learning course approved by Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Gynaecologists, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine to increase knowledge and confidence in managing patients with persistent pelvic pain.
Click here for more information on the scholarship and how to apply.