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Cardiology at the interface of primary and secondary care – A vision for contemporary cardiac rehabilitation

A vision for contemporary cardiac rehabilitation
Facilitated by:
Primary Health Tasmania
Paul McIntyre
Anna Seth – GP clinical editor, Tasmanian HealthPathways
Date and time:
Wednesday 12 March - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Online via Zoom
General practitioners working in Tasmania

A vision for contemporary cardiac rehabilitation” is the first in a six-part webinar series “cardiology at the interface of primary and secondary care” that explores the interface between primary and secondary care in the management of cardiac patients

This 90 minute interactive webinar will discuss the current provision of cardiac rehabilitation in Tasmania with an exploration of a more contemporary approach to improve the secondary prevention of patients with cardiovascular disease.

This is an RACGP approved activity- Educational Activities 1.5hrs

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the current provision of cardiac rehabilitation in Tasmania
  • Explain the aims and objectives of a cardiac rehabilitation program
  • Apply a new model of care for cardiac rehabilitation in Tasmania
  • Discuss the monitoring of clinical outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease