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Royal Hobart Hospital GP update forum – event 7

Dr Dean Jones - Director of Neurology, Royal Hobart Hospital and Senior Lecturer in Neurology, University of Tasmania
Dr Ashutosh Hardikar - FRACS (Cardiothoracic surgery), PhD, Head of department, Cardio Thoracic Surgical Unit, Royal Hobart Hospital
Date and time:
7.00pm-8.00pm, Tuesday 16 November 2021

These events are being organised by the southern General Practice Liaison Officers and supported by Primary Health Tasmania.

Event 7 speakers and their topic:

Dr Dean Jones

Referrals to the neurology clinic: what happens, tips, and common issues with the following being covered in detail:

  • Waitlist issues at present
  • Triaging process
  • High vs low yield referrals
  • Discharge decisions
  • Common referral problems (headaches, “funny turns”, incidental imaging findings)
  • Neurophysiology referrals

Dr Ashutosh Hardikar

Aortic Stenosis- Is it the tip of the iceberg that we see?

  • asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis.


Dr Dean Jone studied at UTAS, with postgraduate training in neurology in Hobart, Melbourne, and Oxford. In 2007 he returned to Hobart with his family and has been the Head of the Department of Neurology, Royal Hobart Hospital, since 2017. Dean has a subspecialty interest in epilepsy and is an Executive Member of the Epilepsy Society of Australia.


Dr Ashutosh Hardikar passed as a Cardiothoracic (CT) surgeon in India in 1996. He set up units in India and worked as Paediatric and adult CT surgeon. Ash moved to Hobart in 2008 as a CT surgeon and has been head of department since 2015. He has worked as clinical director of surgical services from 2014-16, and completed a PhD in bicuspid aortic valve and aortic aneurysms. Ash is interested in healthcare delivery, data management systems, cardiac rehabilitation.