Practice visits

Supporting general practice is a core function of the Australian Government’s Primary Health Networks (PHN) program. This role includes a specific focus on assisting general practice interactions with the broader primary health workforce, including allied health providers.

Practice visits are a great way for us to share and receive useful information and resources, discuss our commissioning priority areas with local practitioners and seek feedback about our work in general practice support.

For the practice staff themselves, it’s a way to engage face-to-face with Primary Health Tasmania and share pertinent, on-the-ground knowledge and views about their work.

Request a visit

Each Tasmanian general practice is eligible for two visits from our provider support team per financial year. Inquiries or feedback about Primary Health Tasmania’s practice visit program are always welcome.

Interested in requesting a visit, or simply want to know more? Send us an email or call us on 1300 653 169.

Core support functions

The Australian Government has identified three priority areas of focus for our work with general practice:

Within these, a number of core functions have been identified for general practice support. Each contains a range of initiatives, which may change over time as with workforce needs, Australian Government or local priorities change.

The core elements are:

  • safety and quality (including accreditation, cold chain management and infection control)
  • digital health, including practice systems (technology, processes and tools)
  • engagement and data sharing (practice manager and nurse networks, GP orientation, education events, practice updates, participation in commissioning and data sharing activities)
  • priority project support linked to Australian Government priorities and/or priorities determined through our comprehensive needs assessment.

Contact us

To contact our provider support team, send us an email or call us on 1300 653 169.