Primary Health Tasmania’s Passport to Better Health is a practical tool to help older people keep track of their healthcare journey.
The little blue booklet provides a written record of their important health information that can be shared with all members of their healthcare team.
It’s aimed at giving consumers a more active role in sharing in their care.
What sort of information is recorded in the Passport to Better Health?
The passport is divided into four sections: About Me, My Health, Resources and Notes.
About Me: includes information about the individual’s personal details, such as pension and Medicare numbers, locations of Care Plans and contact details for important people
My Health: includes medical conditions, allergies and medications all in one place, to avoid having to repeat yourself when visiting each different healthcare provider. You can also use this section to keep a log of recent appointments
Resources: includes helpline information and other telephone support services
Notes: a free set of pages for you to mark down your own reminders and comments.
The locally developed resource has been available via GPs across Tasmania for years.
A version specifically designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has also been created.
You can download either version at the bottom of this page.