Getting involved

Health professionals, consumers and the broader community play a crucial role in supporting Primary Health Tasmania to connect care and keep Tasmanians well and out of hospital.

There is a range of ways we seek input.


Listening to feedback plays an important role in helping us plan our activities and deliver services so they reflect the needs of local communities.

We use a range of methods to consult – this includes surveys, forums, workshops and focus groups.

Opportunities to participate in these activities are promoted on our website, through social media, in our newsletters and through our networks.


Membership of Primary Health Tasmania is open to eligible organisations and individuals that are working to improve the health outcomes of the Tasmanian community.

Primarily a governance function, there are two tiers of membership.

Tier 1 membership entitles professional peak bodies or other statewide entities to vote at general meetings and to elect directors to the Board. View our Tier 1 members.

Tier 2 membership is open to the workforce that delivers and supports the delivery of primary health services in the community. Tier 2 members can attend general meetings, but do not hold voting rights.

Access to information and services provided by Primary Health Tasmania is not restricted to members and there is no requirement for organisations and individuals to become members to be involved in Primary Health Tasmania programs and activities.

Advisory groups

Our advisory groups – including our clinical and community advisory councils – provide informed professional and local perspectives on how to improve Tasmania’s health system and the unique needs of our local communities.

Membership varies with the nature and purpose of the group.

Vacancies are advertised on this website, through social media, in our newsletters and through our networks. If you would like to be notified about vacancies, register your interest via email or contact us on 1300 653 169.

Networks and forums

We participate in and facilitate a range of networks and forums, including a GP Network and Allied Health Network. This provides an opportunity for us to listen to, discuss, contribute and advocate on issues and challenges that are important to the primary health sector.

Education events

We arrange, partner in and promote regular education events for health professionals, aligned with our priority work areas. Invitations are sent direct to target audiences; you can also keep an eye on our calendar of events.

Clinical work groups

Tasmanian HealthPathways is a web portal supporting health professionals to plan and provide patient care across all parts of  Tasmania’s health system.

Clinical work groups provide a forum for local clinicians to reach agreement on the best way to manage a specific health condition, and identify any factors that need to be addressed to improve the health system in Tasmania to manage a range of specific disease conditions.  

Feedback is also sought on the pathways from health professionals, peak bodies and advisory groups.

Find more information on the Tasmanian HealthPathways website (note that this website is for health professionals).


Our commissioning activity sees us regularly approach the market to buy services to meet identified health needs. You can keep up with our latest tenders by registering on our eTender portal. More information here.

Consultancy services

Primary Health Tasmania has a panel in place to support our procurement of consultancy services in a range of areas. More information about the panel – including how consultancies can apply to join it – is available here.